Family & Divorce Law

Breaking down family law, lifting you back up.
A relationship breakdown is hard, no matter how you look at it. As experts in family law and family mediation, we can help you ease the emotional and financial burdens of a process often complicated not only by property, but your number one priority: your children.
It doesn’t matter if it was ‘mutual’ or totally unexpected, the last thing you both want is a drawn out, emotionally draining divorce.
With discretion and compassion, we’ll guide you through the process of separation and prepare your divorce application so you can move on — without the unnecessary stress or delay.

Children’s Living Arrangements
You can place a certain value on property. But you can’t put a price on the welfare of your children at a time when protecting them means everything.
Our mission as experienced family lawyers is to minimise the disruption, delay and emotional stress that often goes hand in hand with disputes over living arrangements.
Property Settlements
Through negotiation and alternative dispute resolution, we ensure you first consider the most cost effective — and often fastest — course of action when the heightened emotions of a relationship breakdown are telling you to ‘take it to court’.

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Family & Divorce Law
Frequently Asked Questions
What other family matters can Deegan Lawyers assist with?
Deegan Lawyers can also provide advice and assist with the following family related matters
- Child support
- Guardianship of children
- Grandparent’s rights
- Spousal maintenance
- Binding Financial Agreements before, during and after a relationship
I am separating from my partner and he/she has threatened to take the house and kids, is that possible?
It depends on the circumstances of your family, including the length of your relationship, the age of your children (or if you have children at all) and your future needs.
Assets will be divided depending on the following:
- Who had what at the beginning of the relationship;
- Who contributed what during the relationship – both financial and non-financial;
- Any debts incurred and for what purpose;
- Who is going to care for the children in the future; and
- Your future needs and the needs of the children.
The time the children spend with each parent will depend on their age, maturity and the practicably of a shared care arrangement.
My partner and I separated and we have come to an agreement privately, what can we do now?
You will need a legally binding document to protect yourself in the future.
If you have an agreement you can either apply to the Family Court of Australia for Consent Minutes of Order (personally or through a lawyer) or instruct a solicitor to draft a Binding Financial Agreement.
Consent Minutes and Binding Financial Agreements outline the agreement reached. Both options bring to an end your and your partner’s property claims against the other.
My ex-partner is threatening to take me to court but I want to try mediation, can he/she do that?
The Court requires people to try mediation or Family Dispute Resolution before initiating proceedings in either the Federal Circuit or Family Courts. When you file an application you must file a certificate from a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.
There are some exceptions, however we will always suggest that you try to resolve the matter before going to Court.
Our office locations
657 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond SA 5064
Shop 5, 7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa Sa 5355
Tamblyn House, 17 Vaughan Tce, Berri SA 5343
Liability limited by a scheme approved
under Professional Standards Legislation